Outline for Lectures on

Inequality and the Process of Development

Napoli, Villa Doria d’Angri - Via Petrarca n. 80, 8-10 June 2009

Oded Galor
Brown University - Providence RI-USA

The three lectures will discuss the following issues:

Lecture 1 (June 8, afternoon): From the Classical and Neoclassical Approach to The Modern Perspective
Lecture 2 (June 9, morning): A Unified Approach
Lecture 3 (June 10, morning): Inequality and Growth Promoting Human Capital Policies

The afternoon of the 9th will be devoted to a Poster Session with the Oded Galor’s participation. The call for paper with additional information and the deadline for application will be announced soon.


Topics to be discussed include the following:

Lecture 1:
From the Classical and Neoclassical Viewpoints to the Modern Perspective

Galor, Oded  and Joseph Zeira, 1993, "Income Distribution and Macroeconomics," Review of Economic Studies, 60(1), 35-52. 

Galor, Oded and Daniel Tsiddon, 1997,"Technological Progress, Mobility, and Economic Growth," American Economic Review, 87(3), 363-82.


Lecture 2:
A Unified Theory of
Inequality and Development

*Galor, Oded and Omer Moav, 2004, "From Physical to Human Capital Accumulation: Inequality and the Process of Development," Review of Economic Studies, 71(4), 1001-1026.

Galor, Oded and David N. Weil, 1996, “The Gender Gap, Fertility, and Growth,” American Economic
Review, 86(3), 374–87.

Galor, Oded and David N. Weil, 1999, "From Malthusian Stagnation to Modern Growth," American
Economic Review, 89(2), 150-154.

Lecture 3:
Inequality and the Emergence of Growth Promoting Human Capital Policies

*Galor, Oded and Omer Moav, 2006, "Das Human-Kapital: A Theory of the Demise of the Class
Structure," Review of Economic Studies, 73(1), 85-117.

* Galor, Oded and Omer Moav, and Dietrich Vollrath, 2009, "Inequality in Landownership, Human Capital
Promoting Institutions and the Great Divergence" Review of Economic Studies, 76(1), 143-179.





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Galor Conference dinners
Entries with an asterisk (*) are compulsory.

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You can also register by sending the same informations to cicse-lecture@ec.unipi.it
Call for Papers


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Trends of income inequality among EU-15: explaining the convergence
Lenart M. Lah, University of Ljubljana

Financial Development Income Inequality and Economic Growth
Alessandra Dal Colle, SOAS – University of London and Intesa Sanpaolo

That “progress” means? A temptative answer following a Classical approach
Marcella Corsi and Giulio Guarini, “Sapienza” Universitŕ di Roma

Can foreign aid help countries escape from poverty traps?
Keith Blackburn, University of Manchester
Gonzalo F. Forgues-Puccio, University of St. Andrews

Quality and Quantity of Education in the Process of Development
Amparo Castelló-Climent, Institute of International Economics
Ana Hidalgo-Cabrillana, University Carlos III, Madrid

Income Inequalities in Postsocialist Economies – New Member EU States
Marko Lah, University of Ljubljana

Investigation of causality between GNP and greenhouse gases (Case study: Dioxide Carbon in Iran)
Iraj Saleh, Zohreh Shaabani and Saeed Yazdani, University of Tehran, Iran

Equitable Distribution of Development in West Bengal Economy? A Cross District Analysis
Pavel Chakraborty, Syracuse University, New York
Debashis Chakraborty, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi

Distribution Dynamics and of Convergence: Assessing Intradistributional Churning in GDP
Michele Battisti, University of Palermo
Christopher F. Parmeter, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Individuals' Voting Choice and Cooperation in Repeated Social Dilemma Games
Annamaria Nese University of Salerno
Patrizia Sbriglia University of Naples II - Sun

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