The CICSE Lectures on Growth and Development
Inequality and the Process of Development
by Oded Galor (Brown University)


8-10 June 2009
University of Naples “Parthenope”, Villa Doria d’Angri, via Petrarca n. 80
Naples, Italy


The CICSE (Centro Interuniversitario Crescita & Sviluppo Economico, announces that the second “CICSE Lectures on Growth and Development”, in collaboration with the Department of Economics, University “Parthenope” of Naples, will be delivered by Prof. Oded Galor, Herbert H. Goldberger Professor of Economics, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

The CICSE Lectures are planned to provide invited scholars with the opportunity to recollect and reorganize their ideas, to present them in a more general format, to provide proofs of special cases or some empirical studies that in short presentations like that of an article of a journal cannot be exhaustively treated, and to provide deeper analyses of some points. Once delivered a set of Lectures are collected in a book published by Cambridge University Press in the “CICSE Lectures on Growth and Development” Series. The first set of Lectures were delivered by Stephen J. Turnovsky on "Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth in a Small Open Economy" and the book is currently in press.

The three Lectures by Professor Galor are on " Inequality and the Process of Development". More precisely they are on

Lecture 1 (June 8, afternoon):     From the Classical and Neoclassical Approach to The Modern Perspective
Lecture 2 (June 9, morning):       A Unified Approach
Lecture 3(June 10, morning):      Inequality and Growth Promoting Human Capital Policies

All interested scholars are free to attend the CICSE Lectures at Villa Doria d’Angri, via Petrarca 80
Naples, Italy, but they need to be registered within May 20, 2009. Registration is possible through the page
where further information on the Lectures are found.

Call for Posters

The afternoon of the 9th will be devoted to a Poster Session with the Oded Galor’s participation. The deadline for delivering a poster is postponed to April 20, 2009. The application requires an abstract sent to

Maximum 1 page length abstract  (including Title, Authors, Institutional Affiliation, JEL Classification and Key-words) will be printed and provided to CICSE Lectures participants.

Poster Format:



Plan Ahead: Preview your presentation prior to going to the meeting to make sure everything appears clear from one metre and half away.


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